About Me

Rob Crowston I'm an award winning multimedia producer with a background, and it turns out a foreground in print, radio, television, and advertising. A sound engineer, producer, writer and voice-over artist. You've heard my work in many radio and TV spots, documentaries, corporate videos, audio walking tours and on-line. I've been an instructor at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, an instructor at Langara Community College. These days, I teach creative multimedia production to young people at the Wachiay Friendship Centre ( WaMM - www.wachiaymultimedia.com ) Along with all that other stuff, I live happily with my wife Shelley McGaw and our dog, Molly in the little community of Courtenay on Vancouver Island. My passions lie in high-end audio, deep in the heart of the Hi-Fi jungle and I care about music, recording, film, fiction and art. I'm fascinated by architecture, design, technology and their impact on our society and our culture.

Showing Tag: "music" (Show all posts)

Vinyl - Hard to Kill

Posted by Rob Crowston on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, In : Social Comment 

Vinyl. Impossible to spell. As a matter of fact, even spelling bee winners cringe at the thought of the word, but it's not just hard to spell, it's hard to kill.

There's been dozens of music delivery formats put out there - 78's and 45's and reel to reel and 8 track, cassettes and MD discs, CD's and MP3's... plus a whole mess of other attempts to get us to buy music. Did you know that Miles Davis's 'Kind of Blue' has been released in every single delivery format that has ever been pushed on...

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Abbey Road

Posted by Rob Crowston on Friday, November 14, 2008, In : Recording 
A few years ago digital recording giant Digidesign was offering an 8-track version of Pro Tools ( a multi-track recording software platform ) as a workable demo - all for free! My guess is that it was probably downloaded by 700 billion musicians world-wide. This was long before Digidesign decided that they would fall in with Avid, and loose their edge. At the same time there was a forum related to this free down load, and it happened that my friend Martin was reading this very same forum and ...
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